Contact | Auroral Doors and Windows




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Showroom opened to the public


  • T 514 700-2405
  • F 450 978-9160

3155, rue Jules Brillant
Laval (Quebec)

En savoir plus

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  Quality and incomparable service!  Â»

Jonathan Auclair

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  The installers are professional, clean and polished. Thank you service.  Â»

Ronald Moineau

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  Very good installation team . They are very professional and very clean by running jobs. I am satisfied with the work done.  Â»

John Mastandrea

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  Satisfied . The second time we ask you to install our doors .  Â»

Richard Savaria

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  I would not hesitate to recommend you.  Â»

Francine Comtois

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  Beautiful painstaking work and the people are very courteous. Nice work .  Â»

Bédard Prévost

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  Installers are very competent , kind and efficient people. Own work , recommendations anytime.  Â»

Jacques Villemaire
l'île Bizzard

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  Excellent service, very good installer , good team spirit.  Â»

Nicolas Defoy

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  Adriano is very professional and very well mastered how to explain to the customer 's product. I recommend it ! I am also very pleased with the Auroral products! Input windows and doors have improved…  Â»

Eva-Louise Hamer
Directrice du Centre de psychosynthèse du Bas-St-Laurent

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  Prisemesures of the installation ... excellent advice and excellent service ! Thank you to all the team !  Â»

Jean-François Frenette

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  Doing Business with the pros at Auroral ! In early February I selected stunning 4500 Series window and I had an offer from a competitor. I called and spoke with Adriano Auroral explaining that I…  Â»

Allen et Miriam Maloney

Quelques mots de nos clients satisfaits

«  In all Auroral team, I want you partma great satisfaction égardvos products and the service received. Thank you for Adriano setThe management, and Daniel and his team for the installation. It's always nice to do…  Â»

François Lachapelle

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